Timeless ballad recorded in church basement one of the best ever

If you’ve ever taken a stroll down memory lane into the golden age of doo-wop, you’ve likely encountered the Five Satins and their iconic ballad, “In the…

Calls for child-free flights after 26-hour journey with baby

A passenger recently documented his struggle with a screaming baby during a grueling 29-hour flight to Germany, sparking widespread discussions about children on planes. Henry Beasley, a…

Gypsy Rose Blanchard details what she heard in her mom’s final moments as boyfriend murdered her

Gypsy Rose opened up about the horrifying moment her mom was murdered in her memoir, My Time To Stand While Gypsy Rose Blanchard’s controversial story is well…

11-year-old on period forced to bleed through clothes twice after teachers don’t let her use toilet

An 11-year-old girl from Bristol, U.K. was forced to bleed through her clothes at school whilst on her period, after being denied permission to go to the bathroom. According to…

Mom leaves powerful note on “disrespectful” son’s door

Most grown-ups know that adulting seems deceptively easy when viewed through the eyes of an inexperienced child, and if you don’t, you should take note. There’s a nicely powered home to live…

Am I wrong?

A female churchgoer shared a story of a woman who visited the church and attended the service one Sunday but her body was covered in tattoos and…